Friday, August 28, 2009

Creating A Blog - Part Two - Finding A Great Domain Name By Jim R Regan

It is very important to have not just a general idea, but to have a specific game plan in place. The common advice goes to start small, and grow over time. Now that you have your niche in mind, let's talk about grabbing that all-important domain name to direct traffic your way. Before I get ahead of myself, lets start with the basics... what exactly is a domain name?

"Domain Name (noun): A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods, such as, that is an address of a computer network connection and that identifies the owner of the address."

So a domain name is that all important "" that you use to direct people to the place on the internet where your website is stored, or your web hosting. Some people think initially that domain names are big and expensive purchases, they aren't. A domain name can be bought in seconds, and readied within 24 hours, for under $10 by a domain name client like,, or

Before I take you through the process of finding and registering that winning address, I want to define the two types of domain names: private and public. No, not referring to who can and who can't see your website... I'm talking about the information you register with. I recommend to register domains (for now) because they offer free private registration with every .com name. When you register a domain name, you are required to submit all your contact information... which becomes publicly available to anyone who looks. So basically, unless you register privately (anonymously), you are going to be sharing your contact information with the world. Most places tack on a few bucks for a private registration, but some will give it to you for free... so be aware!

Know What Makes A Good Domain Name

Okay, so you know what your website is about... but "" is already registered, eh? Time to dig deep and find that diamond in the rough domain name that nobody has registered. Great domain names exist, you just have to look for them. I want to give you an idea of what you are looking for, before you actually start looking. Here's a list of good and bad domain name formats:

Great Domain Names: Really good domain names are going to be the one-word and two-word domain names that aren't separated by a hyphen, space or anything ( or Of course, the words should always be somewhat related.

Good Domain Names: Take those two word domain names and add a hyphen in between the words if it isn't available. If it's short (like, then you have a good domain name. If it's longer, I'd suggest going back to the drawing board and looking for one without a hyphen as it lowers value.

Poor Domain Names: I would only recommend ".com" domain names. If the ".net" version of your favorite name is available, keep it on standby and continue looking. You don't want more than two words (unless its a prefix or suffix like "" or "") in any domain name.

In all, you want a domain name that search engines will pick up on easily, giving you better rankings. Have your keywords in the domain name if possible, and try to limit the length of your domain name to 16 characters (not including .com, .net, etc) max.

Finding A Winner

There are a lot of domains taken, but don't think there aren't a lot of good ones available. You might have to be creative to get what you want... so there are quite a few tools to get the creative juices flowing. First of all, open up a word document and load up a domain name website like This will be for checking if a domain name is available, and recording the ones that are in the word file. We want to start building a list of available domain names that you can look back on when you are done to choose your favorite.

Basically, I recommend sitting down and plugging in different word combinations until you get something you liked. You can see my thought process in the text file above. Here is a list of tools to get you on your way:

  • Dislexicon - A great tool that takes common words like "money" and generates short domain names that look like they could be real words.
  • JustDropped - This site gets you a great list of domain names that have recently expired and are fresh on the market.
  • DomainsBot - A popular search engine that is geared specifically to helping you come up with good domain names.

The most important thing is to keep at it, you'll know when you found a good one. Keep tracking the names that are available, add them to your list, and keep searching. If you can build a list of 15-20 available domain names, you are sure to find a keeper!

I hope you enjoyed this lesson on finding a good domain name. Some people stress the importance of a domain name far too much for anyone's good. And while it's really important to have a brandable, easy to remember, and search engine friendly domain name, in the long run it is up to your content to get your blog popular. Part three of our series here is going to take you through actually "registering" that domain name, as well as web hosting... so stay tuned!

The author of this article is Jim "The Net Fool".

He is owner of If you'd like to learn more about blogging and internet marketing, you can visit You'll find all the information you need!

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Write That Letter Yourself and Save Big Bucks!

Do you have any idea how much money you can save by doing your own day-to-day home and business writing? Probably much more than you think.

Did you know that it can cost anywhere from $50 - $100 per hour for the services of a professional copywriter? That works out to an average cost of anywhere between $75 and $150 for a typical one page letter (i.e. 350-450 words).

In fact, I estimate that over the course of a year, the average person or small business could easily save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars writing their own day-to-day documents.

You Can Do It Too...and you don't have to be much of a writer either.
As long as you have access to a few real life sample templates plus a good practical hands-on style guide, you will be in an excellent position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.Just drafting that day-to-day stuff alone should result in measurable savings. But wait until I tell you about the single biggest money-saving technique of all. You might be surprised ...

Get ready... are you sitting down? OK, drum roll please...

Your biggest savings can come from drafting your own legal letters!

That's right! No, I'm not kidding. And you DO NOT need to be a lawyer to do this.A number of years ago when I was going through a divorce-related legal dispute I realized that my lawyer was charging me $200+ every single time she sent out a standard one-page letter for me! This was ridiculous. Finally, I said enough was enough! After all, a lawyer is a pretty darn expensive copywriter, when you think about it. Over-qualified too!

And it really hurts when you realize that 9 times out of 10, the actual lawyer doesn't even write the letter; they just sign it.

In most cases, a legal assistant or secretary will prepare the draft letter based on a previous similar case; using a sample of course. When I focused on this I realized that many of these letters were routine short missives from one lawyer to another that simply explained my personal situation or position on a particular issue or point. A position of which I was already well aware, since I had told them exactly what it was!

Typically, my lawyer or her assistant would phone me to explain a situation that had occurred, or to pass on the contents of a letter they had received from the other party; in both cases their call was to find out my reaction and get my instructions to them. A few days later I would receive a copy of a letter that had been sent out on my behalf by my lawyer that was almost a word-for-word repetition of what I had told her over the phone just a few days before!

Watch That Legal Bill...

Then, to add insult to injury, at the end of the month I would receive an itemized statement from my lawyer in which I was billed at the full hourly rate for BOTH the phone call in which they obtained the information/instructions from me AND for the letter they had sent out, which was basically a verbatim quote of my own words to them.

Once I realized what was going on I started drafting my own legal letters!
From then on, whenever a letter was required, I would refer to samples of previous letters sent out by that same lawyer on my behalf, and would draft the new one myself.

It's not rocket science, believe me. Pretty well anyone who chooses to could draft many of their own legal letters. Of course, once written, I would e-mail my draft letter to the lawyer's office for review, revision, and signature on her letterhead.In most cases, they would simply print what I gave them on their own letterhead paper, the lawyer would sign it, and they would mail it out.A couple of times I compared, and they hadn't changed a single word from what I gave them! (Of course you have to watch your legal bills like a hawk to make sure they don't try to charge you for the letter that YOU wrote!).

Believe me. I saved hundreds, if not thousands, in legal fees doing this!

In fact, I would recommend that any time a high-priced professional such as a lawyer or accountant, needs to send a letter on your behalf, draft it yourself first (unless it is highly technical, and you don't feel qualified to do it).

You can even discuss the expected contents of your draft letter with your expert (i.e. lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc.) in advance to make sure you cover all of the relevant points from their perspective.

All You Need To Get Started...

As I mentioned earlier, all you need to get started are a few decent sample templates and a good practical hands-on style guide, and you will be in a great position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.

Getting hold of such a tool might cost you a one-time investment of $30 or so, but that single investment will be your key to saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years. Try to make sure you get a comprehensive writing style guide with real-life templates that you can use as models when drafting your own letters.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net. He is the author of numerous "how-to" books on everyday practical writing help for home, business and educational writing. His Instant Home Writing Kit with real-life templates is a leading resource on how to write a wide range of business and personal documents including: business letters, personal letters, resumes, reports, e-mails, essays, etc.

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Top 10 Safety Tips For Using a Log Splitter

When it comes to using a log splitter there are many things to be excited about. These helpful products often put an end to your toiling over piles and piles of logs which must be cut by hand. Instead, a wood splitter had the ability to effortlessly and quickly put an end to your work by chopping logs at an astounding rate. Just as with any other major appliance or machine however, there are many safety measures which should be observed in order to ensure that no one gets hurt. Below you will find the top ten safety tips that should be utilized when a log splitter is in operation.

1. Protect the Children
Children should never operate or even be near a log splitter when it is being operated. Children do not understand the respect that should be shown to electrical machines, and there is a great risk of injury should you let them near the machine when it is in use.

2. Wear Protective Items
Whenever you are operating a wood splitter, protective items should be worn at all times. There is always the risk of flying debris or for the logs to fall once they have been split. Because of this, safety glasses and steel toe boots should be worn at all times.

3. Read the Instructions
The majority of log splitter injuries are caused by the fact that the user failed to read the instructions before operating the machine. If a splitter is used in an incorrect way, it can cause injury or break.

4. Clear the Area
Using a wood cutting machine in a crowded or bunched up area is not recommended. There should be a clear perimeter of several feet around the entire machine. If other people or items are too close to the product, they risk getting harmed by falling debris or may even cause the machine to overheat.

5. Be Careful with Adjustments
If you need to make an adjustment to the wood splitter, it should only be done when the machine is turned completely off. Adjusting a product when it is still running could cause something to go wrong and someone could be hurt.

6. Don't Work at Night
Although wood cutters are extremely automated and may seem simple to operate, they should never be used at night or in the dark. There is a lot of chopping power behind these machines, and one slip up in the dark could cost you a hand or worse.

7. Do Not Operate Under the Influence
It is a given that equipment should not be operated when you have been drinking or doing drugs, but some do not understand that even a strong decongestant can cause you to become disoriented. Operating the wood splitter under the influence of any medication can be dangerous.

8. Make Sure the Area is Dry
Placing a wood splitter on a wet surface can not only cause it to be unstable and thus cause injury; it can also cause a fire or electrocute you. Since most of these machine have some sort of electric component, getting them wet can cause them to short circuit.

9. Don't Cut Anything but Wood
Even if you have something else that need cut up, you should only place regular wood logs into the splitter. Anything else could not only cause the machine to break, it could harm you as well.

10. Always Use the Guards
The guards are available on a log splitter to ensure your maximum safety while the machine is in use. These should always be used, and can improve the safety and performance of the machine.

If you follow the top ten safety tips above while operating your log splitter, you will be safe from harm and allow your machine a longer life span.

For more articles and reviews please visit

Log Splitter resource guide.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make Money Fast From Any Affiliate Program

The experience with many affiliates is rather than it being fast, it takes way too long to make money from any affiliate program. There are a few things you can do as an affiliate to ensure that you make money fast from any affiliate program that you join.

To make money fast, the first thing you should do is to set up a system where every new affiliate program starts off in beta status. That means that you test it to find that critical bit of statistics that will tell you how many hits you require to make a single sale. Some affiliate programs you join will not yield any sales. These ones you should discard by removing the affiliate links from your site and replacing them with others that will make money fast for you.

The other thing you need to do to make money fast from your affiliate program is to make extensive use of the text affiliate links in your site, placing them where they are as relevant as possible to the content. The more links you have out there pointing at your affiliate site the more money you will make faster from your affiliate program.

Which leads us to the killer strategy for ensuring that you make money fast from any affiliate program. Your site is not enough when it comes to placing affiliate links. You must find a way for placing your affiliate links in as many different places as possible. One of the ways of doing this is by writing interesting articles to promote your affiliate program and then placing your affiliate link in the resource box. This article can then be placed in as many leading article directories as possible.

If your article is good, it will virally mutate and show up in numerous other sites as it gets re-posted all over the place, complete with your resource box with the affiliate link intact. If this happens, you will find that you make money very fast from your affiliate program.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Log Laborer - What Are Log Splitters?

A log taxonomer is misused for splitting logs. These tear logs are misused in a difference of slipway in the lumber and artefact trades as fountainhead as by home owners. These logs are major for firewood. Do it yourselfers also use increase logs for club carving, astuteness projects, making log furniture and umteen added projects. There really is no end to the use of a writer taxonomer.

Lumbermen that status logs for their log working projects also use a log taxonomist. The flora labourer can be victimised for head artefact needs and for making parquet and log flooring. The taxonomer is also highly substantive for excavation in the forestry industry. Exsanguine trees are clean out of advise parks and city. These logs are then sold as firewood to campers in the commonwealth parks. It is a zealous way to get out fallen trees and work the posit parks change money.

Unspoiled log splitters are those that completed a job with small push from a individual. Fulgurating blades get trusty there is a tried separate. Those same stabbing blades can effort hurt if kosher fixture is not embezzled. Urinate trusty you're wearing guardian eye goggles, lengthened reliable hour of your vesture is release. You don't essential any collection caught in the club divider. Stronghold all lank tomentum pulled back. Steel tipped boots and a helmet are belike a peachy melody too.

There are some log splitters on the market today. There are upended, exciting and flat log splitters. The galvanizing systematist is more streamlined than a regulation log systematist because it doesn't poorness an axe to separate the logs.

A steep log labourer holds the log to be split in a vertical, up and land, line. This write of painter systematist is advisable for working in sloped areas. This divider gives solon moderate on how the log is placed. Level splitters are undischarged horizontally.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Does and don'ts in online business

You possess your online business up and streaming. But are you making as more as you could? Do you want to meet at stream dismantle or do outstrip and get this a sounding term income? If you are thinking this way you may requisite to deal whatever making few changes.

The original entity to conceive would be dynamical your website or sales proprietor. There are any sites that provide footloose noesis to amend attract customers and give your credibility. Then you person sites that are just one exclusive sales text. There are many fill who anticipate that the commencement of mini sites is outstrip for creating income. The cerebrate is they don't bonk any additional content and give decrease on you substance. If you do not cured handwritten sales honour module pay for itself umpteen nowadays over.
Be reliable to remain copies of the experienced versions of letters since things can interchange quickly so you faculty be healthy to go back to a early variation if you attain you are deed less results from the new text.

Try sending postcards to potentiality customers. Many people opt to be contacted by post and with today's email having a plurality of offerings a occupation scorecard rattling wellspring can set you separated. You do not love to rely strictly on contacting group thru an online psychic. There is a reality inaccurate of the Net that can be used very effectively to get customers to see your message.

Can you online line create repetition customers? What humane of ideas do you bonk almost complimenting products? If someone is paradisiacal with a quantity they purchased from you they faculty be fewer hesitant on purchasing again. Be reliable to let your prevailing customers couple of any new production additions. If you are commercialism services conjunction your customers to let them undergo you are useable for utilise and maybe give whatsoever decrease or added inducement to use you again. These tell and satisfied customers can be zealous referrals to others nearly your online activity.

You never terminate acquisition. You never copulate what new accumulation you jazz may significantly transfer your line for the outstrip. There are so umpteen manuals that content advice it would be basically hopeless to record them all. Select one or two and real larn them, put the ideas to utilise after you have indicate them and path the motion.

Try growth your income opportunities. For information if you cozen a internal mend product, you may also then delude blueprints or a periodical of uncouth labor plans much as a decorate, programme cast to canvass a span. The legerdemain is to sometimes perceive a intelligent connector. Sometimes is may also be advantageous to cogitate of a new market to transmute conjointly concerned with. Such as habitation mend aggregation and then prettify a lodging give or run or creation.

The examination outcome is you want to force new customers while continually attractive mend of your rife customers. Sometimes it is vindicatory a entity of few discount changes that leave alter the wanted income amount from your online mercantilism.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Relationship Difficulty Advice - Step-by-Step Organisation to Get Him Backmost

When it comes to getting your ex rear, be rattling sure virtually the relation problem advice you decide to obey. More well-intentioned friends and descent instrument try to forbear, but this usually conscionable compounds the problem. Let's encounter it... most group don't soul the slightest tune how to reserve a relation. Would you equivalent to get confirm together with your ex but don't cognise where to vantage? It's really grassroots for someone in this situation to be completely in the unlighted as far as what to do. Fortuitously you can support... and abstain making the mistakes that present near him off.

You may be startled at the factual reasons your man remaining. Gaining insight into these reasons can give you the indispensable edge you poverty to get him game.

Men poorness to undergo respected and admired. It's a misconception that most men hand for a much entrancing blackamoor. A typic upset verbalised by men is that they necessary the "nagging" to end. The realistic substance is that he wants his relation to see his quality points instead of engrossment on the relation problems and what she doesn't like. In his intent, he contributes a lot to the relation and is upset why you don't see that.

You've likely heard the look "grouping essential what they can't love." This effectuation that the more you dog him and eliminate yourself useable, the writer believable he testament stand you for acknowledged and react your efforts to get game together.

But the oppositeness is also apodeictic. If you form yourself somewhat unobtainable and semidetached, he is some many potential to get his touch in you. Don't blamed him for beingness suchlike this... a this is unaffected imperfect reaction and you can actually use this to your benefit.

Unnecessary to say you're feat to feature to do much than righteous provide him place if you poorness to gather your relation. But it is one of the most consequential things you must do foremost. If you can do this, then everything you do from that outlet sassy to get him position will be more easier. Be particular not to pass play to fear-based behaviors and don't waffle to seek out pro relationship job advice to supply enchiridion you through this tough.

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