Saturday, March 20, 2010

Signs of Hearing Loss Must Be Consistent

Are you always wishing people would speak up or that they mumble? You may eve believe they are not speaking properly. Take a breath and realize that it could be you with the problem. You may be experiencing loss of hearing. Others may notice that you always have the volume of the television or stereo up high but to you it is normal. It may be a good idea to get a hearing test done and stop blaming it on that old equipment...

You may have grown used to asking those around you to repeat what they say. Are you regularly misunderstanding people? If you have to rely more on facial expression and body language to understand others it may be your hearing. These are very real indications of possible loss of hearing.

Have you worked regularly with firearms, in a factory or with power tools? These can be very noisy environments. If you have failed to use ear plugs there is a chance your hearing has suffered. Do you always listen to very loud music? Is the home cinema essential? All these things can take their toll over time..

Is it difficult to follow a conversation in a group? Do you find it exhausting trying to keep up? This could make you feel more nervous or stressed, in social situations, because you can't keep up with what's going on.

Is there a history of hearing problems in your family? It can be hereditary. This could mean you are susceptible. Heart, circulatory or thyroid problems could also mean you are more at risk. Diabetes can also lead to problems.

If you suffer from frequent ear infections or dizziness it might not be down to accumulated ear wax. Some problems are caused by disease as opposed to environment.

Loss of hearing can affect your work, social and family life. It is not just a health issue. If any of this seems familiar prices of hearing to you and you think you may be experiencing loss of hearing then consult your doctor. Like any other condition, the sooner it is diagnosed, the sooner it can be dealt with. Do not ignore the signs because advanced help is available.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

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